I have been on your system for 5 months and am totally amazed with the results. I no longer have irritated gums that used to bother me on a daily basis even though I flossed and brushed 3 times a day and had dental cleanings every 4 months. My receding gums are also very much improved. Thank you so much for your knowledge.

I have been using your system for about a week now and I am definitely impressed. I was an avid flosser-and always got "stuff" from between my teeth. Since I've been using your system, flossing is downright boring. Nothing is between my teeth!

I have been using your system for the past month now and I'm so AMAZED at the results. My teeth have never felt cleaner- I feel as if I just had my teeth professionally cleaned! It's a WONDERFUL feeling. Also my teeth look whiter, I have less sensitivity, my teeth are just in such great shape and are improving more and more each day. Anyway I just wanted to let you know how well your care system is working for me. I wish there were more dentists like you in the world!

I have been using her technique personally for only about 2 weeks. I can only tell you that it is amazing. I have been brushing and flossing daily for about 45 years, and I can only say that her technique makes my mouth feel absolutely wonderful. It is almost addicting. We are in the process of converting every patient in my office to this technique. By the way, I have been a dentist for 41 years.

You are doing such a wonderful thing!! My husband has been using your system for 10 months. He is a night teeth grinder and was having issues with wearing the enamel on his teeth before he started the system. He no longer has any more wear of his teeth, and says that his teeth feel much stronger. The other really neat thing is that my husband has always been dissatisfied with the color of his teeth (yellowish). He tried crest white strips for approximately 7 days without any improvement in color. Since he has started the system, the color of his teeth has improved immensely!! They are whiter than they have ever been!

Let me just say THANK YOU!!! My dental health is improving every day! I have been using your system (exactly) for 10 months now. I have a 2-year-old daughter who eats xylitol after every meal and I brush her teeth with xylitol solution at bedtime, and her teeth are beautiful and cavity free.

I have been on the Dr. Ellie system for seven months. I had a checkup yesterday and the dentist could find NO cavities. On my previous checkup, the dentist had found 5 or 6 cavities that he wanted to drill and fill. I declined at that time and was fortunate enough to find your system. Therefore, all cavities had healed in the intervening seven months of being on the system. My kindly dentist was befuddled - I was relieved and pleased.