What is xylitol?
Xylitol is a naturally occurring sweetener found in the fibers of many fruits and vegetables, including, but not limited to: various berries, corn husks, oats, and mushrooms. The Finnish name for it is koivusokeri, or birch sugar, and it was first produced in Scandinavia from xylan, a sugar found in the wood fibers of birch trees.
Xylitol is a five-carbon sugar alcohol that occurs naturally in plants. Xylitol is also naturally found in our bodies. We produce up to 15 grams of xylitol from other food sources using established energy pathways.
Xylitol is delicious and can be your own special weapon in your fight against dental disease. Best of all, it can help everyone avoid cavities and strengthen their teeth. Granular xylitol looks and tastes almost like sugar (sucrose) but with 40 percent fewer calories. As a natural sweetener, it is a great alternative to regular sugar but, unlike sugar, it is a powerful and effective tool that improves dental health. A few grams of xylitol eaten after meals and snacks will reduce the number of harmful bacteria in the mouth and also protect teeth from acidity. Xylitol creates the ideal conditions to stop and even reverse dental damage. Studies show that the greatest reduction in harmful bacteria comes from eating 100 percent xylitol.
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How does xylitol work in the mouth?
Bacteria absorb xylitol as they would sugar or starch. The difference is that xylitol does not provide bacteria with an energy source. In fact, xylitol starves harmful bacteria and also prevents them from processing other sugars, which stops their acid production.
Xylitol stimulates a flow of saliva from special glands around the mouth. Teeth begin to remineralize and become smoother. Bacteria are less able to stick to this shinier surface and less plaque forms on teeth. This is good news for people who have endured a lifetime of dental problems and weak and sensitive teeth. Six months of eating xylitol regularly will not only clean your mouth of harmful bacteria, but it will help strengthen teeth and stop sensitivity – even heal early cavities.
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What are some of the benefits of regular xylitol use
• Reduce dental plaque formation
• Make plaque less adhesive
• Neutralize plaque acids by decreasing the production of lactic acid
• Reduce the levels of harmful mouth bacteria (Streptococcus mutans)
• Reduce cavities by up to 80 percent
• Remineralization of tooth enamel
• Reduced gum tissue inflammation
• Help with dry mouth and bad breath
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How often should I use xylitol?
The recommended dose for xylitol depends on the protection and benefits needed. However, if xylitol is used only occasionally or in insufficient amounts, it may not be effective.
Research shows that 6 to 10 grams per day is needed each day – with a minimum of 6.5 grams daily for six months to alter the bacteria in the mouth. It’s best to eat small amounts after meals 3 to 5 times daily. Eat xylitol when your mouth is dry, and to protect your teeth after eating and drinking to maintain a neutral pH.
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How much xylitol do the Zellies Xylitol Mints & Gum contain?
Every Zellies Xylitol product is 100 percent xylitol.
- Zellies Xylitol Gum have 1.0 grams of xylitol per piece
- Zellies Xylitol Mints have 0.5 grams of xylitol per mint
- Zellies Xylitol Bears have 1.4 grams of xylitol per bear
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Is xylitol safe?
Xylitol is FDA approved and has been safely used by people with diabetes for more than 100 years. Xylitol comes from natural sources and has a low glycemic index. Small amounts of xylitol are even produced naturally in our bodies.
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Are there any know toxic effects of xylitol?
There are no known toxic effects of xylitol to humans, although xylitol should not be given to pets. Consuming high doses of xylitol can have a mild laxative effect until your body adjusts. You can safely eat 50 to 100 grams a day, but it’s best to start raising the dose slowly to avoid this side effect.
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Why does dry mouth increase risk for dental disease? How can xylitol help?
A dry mouth lacks the moisture that protects teeth and also provides a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Keeping your mouth moist with xylitol rinses, xylitol sprays or xylitol mints can protect vulnerable teeth in dry mouth conditions. Eating xylitol stimulates saliva flow and also makes the mouth acid-neutral – pH level 7.0.
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Is xylitol a good choice for children?
Xylitol offers a natural approach to preventing cavities in children’s teeth. Xylitol can be a parent’s best friend, especially for those who have trouble controlling their children’s love of sweets. Your children will love the sweet taste of xylitol. You will love knowing that every time your child eats xylitol, their teeth are being protected.
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'How are children’s teeth infected?
Tooth decay is an infectious disease, and it is usually the mother who infects her own baby. Germs are passed between a parent’s mouth and the baby’s mouth. Germs are given to the baby in saliva by kissing, “cleaning” a pacifier, tasting food on a spoon, and so on. Regular consumption of xylitol can prevent transmission of cavity-causing bacteria from a mother to a child. Parents who eat two teaspoons of xylitol every day will gradually clean away unhealthy bacteria from their own mouths. If this program starts at least six months before the baby has a tooth, parents can avoid passing along unhealthy mouth bacteria to the baby.
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Is it possible to replace daily tooth cleaning by using xylitol?
Although brushing is an excellent way to clean teeth, it is most important to maintain the health of gums around teeth. In situations where brushing is difficult or impossible, xylitol offers protection for teeth. When toothpaste cannot be tolerated, a liquid solution of xylitol can be used to clean the teeth of babies, children, and adults of all ages.
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Can cavities be stopped?
The best way to stop cavities is to eliminate cavity germs in the mouth with sufficient xylitol. The rinses and toothpaste of my system strengthen teeth and put minerals back into the damaged areas, so they will heal. Most early cavities disappear within 6-12 months. For cavities in children younger than age 6 – do not use the Complete Mouth Care System, because these kids are too young for rinsing. Just use adequate amount of xylitol each day and brush ACT rinse onto their teeth – twice daily. Protect your child’s teeth from juices and acidity and their new teeth will erupt without damage and cavities will stop forming.
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What helps cavities heal faster?
Mineral-rich saliva (in your own mouth) helps cavities heal quickly. People with a dry mouth should sip water mixed with a teaspoon of xylitol throughout the day. Whole milk cheeses and yogurt are good for healing teeth and provide minerals teeth need. Eat cheese at the end of a meal or as a snack. Only drink acidic drinks during a meal – sipping acidic drinks will pull minerals out of teeth and slow healing. Ensure you also have a good diet, enough minerals, sunshine and rest.
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What’s the best way for parents to help kids to form a good dental routine?
The most important time to clean teeth is before bed at night. Make it fun from the start - and don’t worry too much about the technique being perfect. Kids rarely get gum disease and cavities can be prevented with a little xylitol each day.
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What’s the best strategy for avoiding cavities (for adults and kids)?
100 percent pure xylitol will get rid of the germs that cause cavities. You need a few mints and gum every day – especially after meals, or after acidic drinks or snacks. Every morning and night, use the Zellies Complete Mouth Care System to help you heal cavities or gum disease. The more you protect your teeth from acidic foods and drinks with xylitol, the quicker cavities will stop and you may even be able to reverse and heal them by a process called “remineralization”.
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Can xylitol cure bad breath and whiten my teeth?
An acidic mouth promotes the growth of bad bacteria, which can lead to bad breath and the softening of your teeth, allowing them to become worn down and stained. Xylitol removes mouth acidity, eliminates harmful bacteria, and helps build minerals into teeth, making them stronger and brighter.
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Does xylitol help adults with dentures?
Xylitol is anti-fungal and can help control thrush, sore tongue, or denture sore mouth. Debilitated and sick people often have sores at the corners of their mouth (angular cheilitis) and xylitol will help this condition also. A solution of 4 grams of granular xylitol in 16 oz of warm water can be made and sipped throughout the day and night. This solution may alternatively be sprayed into the mouth or wiped onto teeth with a cloth or sponge.
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What are the nutrition facts of Zellies Xylitol Mints & Gum?
Zellies Mints and Gum are made with 100% xylitol. For details on the nutrition facts of Zellies’ products, see below:

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How can I learn more about xylitol?
Visit Dr. Ellie Phillips’ web-site: www.drellie.com
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Zellies Complete Mouth Care System
What can the Zellies Complete Mouth Care System do?
The rinses and toothpaste specified in this system work in harmony with xylitol to clean the mouth and strengthen teeth. Adequate amounts of xylitol loosen plaque on teeth and reduce bacteria in the mouth. The rinses and toothpaste will strengthen teeth and make gums healthier, reducing pocketing and infection. Used together, xylitol and this rinse system can take your oral health to a level where dental visits will be quick, easy and enjoyable – how do you like that idea?
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How difficult is this Zellies Mouth Care System?
The Zellies Mouth Care System takes four and a half minutes each morning and night. There is no difficult flossing necessary – just one step that leads to the next. The sensation of freshness is so wonderful and your mouth will feel so clean – you will WANT to do this morning and night!
Remember to use a spotless toothbrush – maybe buy a pack of 25 Zellies brushes and change them frequently – throw away after travel and disinfect often. Don’t use a dirty brush in your nice clean mouth! You need xylitol too – so make sure to have Zellies mints or gum after meals, snacks and drinks each day. This system is so easy – plus it will make dental visits quick, fun and enjoyable. Imagine that!
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Why does the System use specific products?
Over many years Dr. Ellie Phillips worked with people who could not (or did not like) to floss. She discovered that specific rinses and toothpaste could work together and achieve amazing results – far better than when each product was used alone. The products fit like puzzle pieces - so if you use incorrect products (even the toothpaste) this will change the process and affect the outcome. All the products that Dr. Ellie recommends are well-recognized, over-the-counter items. It is their “method of use” that allows these ordinary products to give extraordinary results – ENJOY!
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What if I don’t want to use a fluoride rinse?
Anyone who is experiencing brittle teeth, fillings or other dental work will benefit from a fluoride rinse. Eating xylitol or using a xylitol rinse is an alternative, but you may not see complete cavity healing.
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Can children start the Zellies Complete Mouth Care Program?
Children of all ages can enjoy the benefits of xylitol. Children around age 6 can begin to protect their new adult teeth with a fluoride rinse. It is important that the child be able to rinse and spit. (Closys and Listerine are not necessary before adult teeth erupt).
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Should my teenager use the Zellies Complete Mouth Care Program?
Teenagers are prone to dry mouth, bad breath, gum disease, and cavities. Zellies Complete Mouth Care System will protect their teeth and freshen breath.
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Do you have any tips for adults who may have become lax in their flossing in previous years and are looking to start the routine again? What if they get discouraged, any tips?
If you have been told by your dentist to floss more, the chances are that you have too much acidity in your mouth, or that your mouth is too dry for mouth health. Sodas, juices and other acidic drinks should be kept to mealtimes, and if you decide to sip a coffee or acidic drink between meals, clean your mouth afterwards with xylitol gum or mints.
Medications and allergies are problems that can make your mouth very dry. Put a teaspoon of xylitol crystals into a water bottle and sip this during the day to moisten your mouth. Your dentist will probably be delighted with your improved mouth health at your next visit. Frequent, small amounts of xylitol makes plaque slippery, and this allows mouth rinsing and tooth-brushing to be more effective.
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How quickly will I see results after starting the Zellies Complete Mouth Care System?
Most people notice a cleaner, fresher mouth within the first week of using Zellies Complete Mouth Care System. As plaque bacteria absorb xylitol, they become less sticky and usually are easily brushed off teeth with a toothbrush.
If you have routine plaque and tartar, you will begin to notice a difference in your oral health in about 5 weeks, as harmful plaque bacteria are removed from the surfaces of teeth. After 6 months, you should have your teeth cleaned in a dental office.
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I’ve been using the Zellies Complete Mouth Care System and my teeth feel great, but I’m starting to see a dark band of stain along my gum line. Why is this?
If you have heavily infected plaque deposits when you start using Zellies Complete Mouth Care System, dead bacteria may form a dark band of stain along the gum line. It can be easily cleaned off your teeth at your next dental cleaning and is unlikely to return if you remain on the System and consume an adequate amount of xylitol after meals, snacks and acidic drinks.
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Should I rinse with water when using the Zellies Complete Mouth Care System?
It is better NOT to rinse with water between the steps.
(This applies to the complete use of all the rinses and if you are going to brush with Crest, spit out most of the paste, and rinse with ACT).
If you use Listerine between the Crest and the ACT rinse it is essential NOT to wash the Crest paste off your teeth with water. If you use water between the steps you will loose the toothpaste's benefit - to protect your teeth from the acidity of the Listerine.
Each piece of the system "fits" with the next - like puzzle pieces. They are harmonious - one used with the next. Dr. Ellie Phillips’ book, Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye, describes the process in greater detail - it is an easy read!
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Can I switch out Crest for Colgate Total in the Zellies Complete Mouth Care System?
COLGATE TOTAL contains Triclosan - which reacts with chlorine in tap water to form chloroform. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15926568
You may also want to read more about Triclosan before you put any more of this toothpaste in your mouth! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triclosan
I suggest Crest Cavity Protection toothpaste. Obviously I do NOT recommend Colgate Total.
If you want to experience the improvements and helpful changes from the System, you should use the Zellies Complete Mouth Care System EXACTLY as is recommend.
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What about using sensitive toothpaste?
Most sensitive toothpastes are made with a stannous (tin-based) fluoride, which can affect your taste buds and cause gum reactions. Any benefit to your teeth is usually short lived and the product may interfere with more permanent repair (remineralization) that you get by using the Zellies Complete Mouth Care System.
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What if Listerine® is too strong for me?
LISTERINE® Antiseptic with an equal amount of warm water at first. Over time you can increase the amount of Listerine in the dilution as your teeth become more acid-resistant and less sensitive. LISTERINE Antiseptic is a valuable step in the system. Think of this as “weight training” for your teeth.
One important feature is to ensure you do not use water to rinse the toothpaste off your teeth before the Listerine step in the system. Crest (Cavity Protection – Original Paste) has ingredients that provide teeth with a “virtual force field” to protect them during the acidic Listerine rinsing (which is a step designed to clean your gums). You must not rinse with water between the brushing and the Listerine or your teeth will be “naked” and exposed to the acidity of the Listerine.
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Is the old ACT® Rinse better than Restoring™?
The original ACT® Fluoride Rinse contains an almost perfect blend of ingredients to help protect teeth from acidic damage. It contains dilute sodium fluoride that helps build strength into teeth. I do not recommend the newer and more expensive ACT® Restoring™ rinse, because it does not seem to work as effectively and it contains alcohol. “New and improved” toothpaste and rinses do not impress me and most add un-necessary chemicals that seem to create more problems and rarely provide the benefits of the older products. Beware the “free” products handed out at your dental office. Most of them are gimmicks provided by product sales people – and not a tested recommendation from your dentist.
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What about more “natural” toothpastes and rinses?
Most pastes with xylitol are abrasive and are not recommended, and the xylitol rinses can be acidic. If you want to use xylitol to clean your teeth – get pure crystals and dissolve them in water as a solution for brushing onto teeth. If you have perfect oral health, and clean, healthy teeth – don’t change a thing that you are doing! On the other hand, if you have cavities, weak teeth, staining or gum disease then you need help and Dr. Ellie suggests the Zellies Complete Mouth Care System.
Dr. Ellie wishes the products in this system were color-free and “natural” but your risk from gum disease is far greater than any risk from sorbitol or dye in these rinses. Gum disease germs can gain entry to your blood stream and cause many problems from dementia to heart attacks. Don’t rely on “healthy-sounding” tooth care products that are usually of poor design, untested and don’t work.
If anyone suggests a particular product for you– ask if they use it themselves – then look at their teeth for endorsement! There may be a couple of natural products that can stop cavities – but they often cause gums to recede (especially if they contain baking soda or peroxide) and rarely help your teeth get healthier.
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What about baking soda or peroxide?
Baking soda can cause gums to recede. Peroxide and whitening products can damage the gums and teeth and also cause mercury to be released from silver fillings. If you need to whiten your teeth – use the Zellies Complete Mouth Care System for at least 6-12 months and see if this can improve the color of your teeth. Take before and after pictures for your records! It is also important to protect your teeth from acidity after all meals, snacks and drinks by using xylitol regularly. If you have a dry mouth – consider a xylitol nasal spray to help clear your nose passages for better breathing. Acidity and dry mouth are often reasons for discolored teeth.
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How can you reverse gum disease?
If you want to reverse gum disease quickly, use the Zellies Complete Mouth Care System EXACTLY – using the EXACT products recommended, a spotless toothbrush and adequate amounts of xylitol! This system will reduce plaque and calculus build-up and improve gum health, no matter your age or the state of your teeth when you start. Continued use of the system will maintain and improve your oral health, year after year.
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How do you prevent bad breath?
Disease bacteria grow in an acidic mouth and often cause bad breath. Over-the-counter mouthwashes generally have no effect on bad breath germs. Using the Complete Mouth Care System and xylitol will cure bad breath and improve the look and feel of your mouth and your teeth at the same time!
Remember to clean your toothbrush each day and let it dry between uses. Never store your brush in a bag and always at least 6 feet away from a toilet (because toilet bacteria splatter into the air during a flush and grow on toothbrushes to become a disease problem). Also keep your brush away from anyone in the family who may have cavities or gum disease. Disinfect your brush in Listerine daily.
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How can I prevent toothbrush abrasion?
Toothbrush abrasion is usually seen as a groove at the gum line around back molar teeth. It is important to use ClosyS™ rinse at the start of the Zellies Complete Mouth Care system for many reasons, including the fact that this rinse pH balances your mouth before brushing.
Abrasion damage is a sign that your mouth is too acidic and you should never brush teeth when they have recently been exposed to acidity. You can check your saliva to see if this is your acidity problem, also consider the dinks you like – perhaps they are acidic. You can use xylitol during the day and after meals to protect your teeth from acidity. Use the Zellies Complete Mouth Care System to build minerals back into your teeth and make your teeth more acid-resistant.
Beware tartar control toothpaste (which is often acidic) or pastes that contain stannous fluoride (which are acidic). Also many well-known products advertised for “dry mouth” are acidic. In almost all circumstances it is recommended that you use the Crest Cavity Protection paste – which is the paste included in the Zellies Complete Mouth Care System.
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How can I learn more about dental disease?
Visit Dr. Ellie Phillips’ web-site: www.drellie.com
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