Zellies Junior: Give Your Children The Gift of Healthy Teeth!
Xylitol comes mainly from birch and other tree wood, but it is also found in the fibers of many fruits and other plants. Xylitol is safe for use by diabetics and has a very low Glycemic index (7.0).
Studies over the last 30 years have proven xylitol prevents tooth decay and gets rid of plaque in the mouth. In Scandinavia xylitol has been a public health measure for years and xylitol is currently approved and endorsed as a health care product in more than 35 countries.
Let your toddlers and growing children enjoy delicious Zellies Xylitol Mints, Gum and Candies with 100% xylitol – a natural way to enjoy better teeth.

• Studies show that wiping xylitol onto gums and teeth will reduce the number of cavities in babies by 85%
• Brush or wipe a solution of granular xylitol onto baby teeth to clean teeth, prevent decay, and help heal early cavities.
• Use a little xylitol directly off a spoon, dissolved in water or on a small gauze wipe to clean teeth after eating and help keep baby’s mouth healthy.
• Xylitol can help prevent thrush by using 1/8th teaspoon of xylitol in 2 oz water as a drink from a baby bottle, or wiped directly onto the affected areas
• Granular xylitol can safely protect and strengthen teeth, sooth sore gums and help babies who are teething.
• Rubbing sore gums with chilled xylitol solution is a great way to soothe teething pain
• Even some dentists like to brush their teeth with xylitol! Make a solution or dip your brush into the crystals. The solution is not foamy or unpleasant – and is totally safe to swallow

Protect toddler teeth with Zellies Junior, 100% xylitol candies, mints and gum, and think about preparing your child’s mouth for adult teeth before they erupt into the mouth.
It takes time to clean the mouth – so begin a good routine with your toddler.
• Think of the mouth as a room, waiting for a “guest” tooth. This way you will understand why you must start preventing cavities BEFORE teeth erupt.
• Baby teeth start growing in the jaws before baby is born, but the first teeth usually show at around 4 months of age – lower incisors and then upper incisors. Be sure to prepare and clean baby’s mouth ready for these new teeth, using a little xylitol wiped onto gums each day - before teeth arrive.
• Adult molars come into the mouth around 5-6 years of age. Ensure the mouth is clean and prepared with xylitol before these teeth erupt. This way you will ensure that your child is off to a great start with their adult teeth.
• Having a cavity filled does NOTHING to get rid of cavity bacteria in your child’s mouth. Cavity bacteria remain after the filling has been done, and they keep attacking teeth every day – until they find another weak spot to destroy. Use xylitol to clean your child’s mouth and prevent future problems, cavities and fillings.

• The research shows that benefits from xylitol are seen when a minimum of 6.5 grams each day in multiple separate exposures.
• For babies and very young children without cavities, studies show that any amount is preventive, even tiny amounts ( well below the proven amount to stop cavities).
• For an adult having enough xylitol is as simple as enjoying 3-4 Zellies xylitol mints or gum after meals or snacks (5-10 pieces of Zellies gum; 12-20 Zellies mints or 6-10 grams of granulated Xylitol (2-3 teaspoons) each day). A mix and match approach can be used - put a teaspoon of xylitol into water as a morning drink and have some mints and gum after meals.

• A Pediatrician may be the first person to notice cavities in your child’s teeth. Cavities can happen before age 2 – so check your child’s mouth often. The first sign may be a white patch or yellow spot. Apply xylitol frequently, and learn how to remineralize teeth – before the spot becomes a cavity. Also remember to use xylitol yourself and consider others who are in contact with your baby.
• Zellies Junior with 100% xylitol can eliminate cavity germs from teeth in 5 weeks, but it takes about 6 months to clean the mouth completely – to prepare a mouth before a new tooth erupts.
• Cavity germs and plaque appear to be linked to a variety of sinus, ear and respiratory infections. Mouth and throat bacteria can be inhaled into the lungs, causing bronchitis or pneumonia
• Tooth and mouth bacteria get into the nose, sinuses and even ear tubes. Using xylitol may clean the mouth but may also result in fewer nose and ear infections. A xylitol nasal spray can help children with allergies, sinus and other breathing problems.
• Cavities are an infection that is preventable. Untreated, this disease will spread from tooth to tooth and from person to person through your family, and even future generations.
• Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease of childhood and cavity germs spread from parents’ to the baby. 40% of American children have cavities by age 6 – even children who eat a “healthy” diet and brush their teeth
• Healthy baby teeth are important to the development of beautiful, cavity-free adult teeth. Children with bad teeth at age 4 have 85% more chance of a lifetime with bad adult teeth.
• Cavities in baby teeth will spread to infect adult teeth. This is why xylitol candies are given out in pre-school classes in Scandinavia, to clean the mouth before adult teeth erupt